Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. ~Groucho Marx

Saturday, November 13, 2010

~ In my Mailbox ~

Welcome to my IMM Ive decided to do posts dedicated to what books Ive bought this week, due to the helpful idea from Tess's 'Book lovers blog'; thank you for the idea. <3 

This week I bought Andrea Cremer's new book Nightshade, I've been looking forward to this book for a while, the cover itself was enough to draw me in :) Ive begun reading it and so far its very good and I look forward to finishing it and telling you all about it. I'm already looking forward to the next in the series 'Wolfsbane' which I'm pretty sure comes out sometime in September next year.... which is definitely way to long to wait.

This week I also bought Mercy by Rebecca Lim, which essentially i new nothing of until i found it in dymocks and as I have a fascination with angels and fallen angels i was quick to buy it, although my sister grabbed it before i did and is reading it at the moment, I'll definitely find the time to read this novel.

Happy Reading. x



  1. ohh i want that one really badly. maybe i'll have to go to dymocks hmmm, they dont have it at work at the moment sooo...


  2. Just wanted to tell you how much I like your blog.

    HERE is an award for you :)

  3. I want to read this one!

    I really like your blog :) I'm new to the blogger world so if you have time could you check out my blog. Thanks :D
